Monday, July 29, 2024

Epic Pike and Shotte Cavalry Sprue


Finished painting a test cavalry sprue.  The figures aren't quite as good as the infantry sprue due to the limitations of the moulding process, and some are slightly odd, like a couple of the Harquebusier and one of the mounted dragoons in particular.  This makes them slightly harder to paint with washes, as they lack and detail on the front of them, but I have managed to get something reasonable done.

As always some quick photos, bases need finishing and they need varnishing.

2 bases of Harquebusier cavalry, 1 battalia commander, 1 light gun, 1 heavy gun, 1 base of mounted dragoons and 1 base of dismounted dragoons.

 Partial bases - the 2 curassier figures you get on a sprue and 6 out of 9 commanded shot needed for a base.

The sprues are definitely designed to be painted in 3s, so that you get a complete units of types, e.g. a battery of guns, 2 x Harquebusier, 1 dragoons, 1 commanded shot, etc.

I might get some horses from Peter Pig or somewhere and make horse holder bases for the dismounted dragoons, I'll see.

You are never going to get together the 15 curassier needed for a units (needs 6 sprues plus a cornet from one sprue) which would be okay for ECW but not TYW.  Warlord have realise this and provide a "resin" cast box of 15 curassier for a regiment.

I probably have enough cavalry sprues to be able to pull off the 12 Curassier I need along with a cornet and complete this unit anyway.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Another Epic Swedish Unit



Finished off another infantry sprue for another swedish 30YW Epic unit - yellow regiment this time.  Quick picture showing the result, need varnishing and flags adding.

I picked up another Push the Pike box cheaply off someone who was selling it with some extras for a pretty good price.

So, I now only have 29 more infantry units to paint, 9 cavalry sprues to finish and 3 scots units (probably in Swedish service) and everything will be done.

Planning on trying painting a cavalry sprue next and then I'll switch to painting some Imperial units.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Marlburian French

 Finally got back to painting some figures and finished off a 25mm Minifigs battalion of French Marlburians for the Dendermonde project.



Wednesday, July 17, 2024

More Frostgrave Scenery

 Not been that well this week - probably Covid as it seems to be going round but did manage to finish off another scenery tile for Frostgrave.

This is the diorama base that comes with the Reaper diorama "Dragons Don't Share".  I've left the holes for the dragon to stand in so I can still use it as a display piece when I get round to painting the figures for it.

We have started a Frostgrave campaign amongst three of us at the Guildford club so I have an incentive to exapnd on the terrain choices.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Great River Race

 I played a game a couple of weeks ago against my regular opponent Anthony using my 40mm AWI collection and the Osprey Rebels and Patriots Rules.

We played the Great River Race scenario where one side is attempting to get 3 rafts of supplies down a river while the other side tries to stop them.

I quickly scratch built 3 rafts from balsa wood and dowel and setup the table using a naval mat with my hex terrain on top of it to create a 12" wide river.

We got a few things wrong with the rules initially and the river layout wasn't quite right, but we had a fun game that ended in a draw with one raft sunk, one raft captured and one raft escaped.

Definitely a scenario I will replay (I've got 3 rafts now!).

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I am retired!

 As of July 1st, I am officially retired - I have sold Coat D'arms Paints to Battlezone Miniatures and will be closing down Black Hat Miniatures.  After 20 years in the wargames industry it seems quite a big step but I decided it was finally time to stop and enjoy life.

Now I have sold Black Hat Miniatures and retired I am starting to sort out my Games Room and attached hobby room.
Main room is 21' x 11' and I could (just) fit a 12' x 5' table but will normally not go over 8' x 5'. A 6' x 4' table is shown here.
Also has some of my 54mm collection in display cabinets, wargaming books and a load of boardgames.
We had a band rehearsal in the room last night, hence all the instruments and speakers.
The attached hobby room is 12' x 10' and I have now managed to bring all my figures and scenery into one place. There is also a large laser cutter.
The Bureau is my painting table and the foldable table in the middle is setup to finish off some basing for a friend.
Still lots to sort out - the top shelf on 2 units contains everything that is up for sale or will be shortly... And I have a bunch of unpainted stuff to come out of the loft and get sorted.

But getting there!