Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Woking 54mm Games Day 2025

 After skipping a year in 2024 the Woking Games Day for members of the Little Wars Revisited Forum was back and held on March 8th.

The venue we used before, Christ Church in the centre of Woking, is closing for a major building project so wasn't available and the costs have gone up over the years.  While I ran Imperial Miniatures I subsidised the day as we never managed to get enough attendees to fully cover the costs of the room hire.  Now I am retired I can no longer do that.

So, instead, the Games Day was held at my house.

We had 7 attendees (1 just for the morning) and 3 games.

In the Games Room we had Anthony's Battle Masters game using a mix of 54mm Lord of the Rings Figures and Britain's Deetail and Patrick's Songs of Blade and Heroes Norman skirmish Game.

In the adjoining hobby room, I put on Waddington's Little Big Horn using Britain's Deetail figures and a neoprene mat blown up to 6' x 4' and printed by Deep Cut Studios.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and we were able to have lunch in the garden thanks to the wonderful weather. After we finished, Patrick and William left to battle the traffic while Anthony, Dave, Alan and myself chatted for a while for heading into Woking for a meal

Photos of games:

General shots of the games room and players

The Battle Masters LOTR game.


 Battle of Little Big Horn

The Norman skirmish - all the terrain is scratchbuilt from Plywood, towelling, etc.

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