A very long time project has been collecting 54mm Punic Wars figures to replace all the blocks in the C&C Ancients boardgame with figures; using one figure per block. I had managed to collect a fair few figures and then become stuck as the Hat figures were no longer in stock anywhere and I struggled to get things like slingers.
Eventually, I found some metal slingers and some other figures being sold off by Rupert at Drum and Flag and then the Hat figures came back into production and I was able to put together all the figures I needed.
The effort of painting everything was a little daunting, but then I hit on taking a leaf out of Norm from Battlefield Warrior blog and undercoating each side a different colour and playing with them like that while I worked through painting them...
I undercoated the Carthaginians white and the Romans grey and finished all the bases to make all the figures look consistent.
The edges of the bases are painted the appropriate colour for the block type - green = light, blue = medium, red=heavy. Things like auxilia and warband have a white stripe down the middle of each side as their blocks have a white edge around the colours.
My regular opponent Anthony and I played the first game last week using Trebbia as the scenario and it worked well and looked good, even with unpainted figures.
The game was very close and I lost 6 to 7 as the Carthaginians, not helped by the ambush by Mago not turning up.
The game has certainly inspired me to get on and paint another set of figures...
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