Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Epic Failure...

I have been thinking about a 30Yw project for some time, possibly starting with Swedes vs Poles and have bought a couple of boxes of figures (Swedish Infantry and Winged Hussars) to produce a couple of test units.

Wargames Illustrated arrived yesterday with a free sprue of the Epic scale ECW/TYW figures and I was very tempted by them.  The units are half the footprint of a 28mm unit and it is considerably cheaper to buy a full army in Epic scale rather than 28mm.

But I got rid of my 15mm because I decided I could no longer paint 15mm, having become used to painting 54mm.

So, could I paint these?  Well, I undercoated a strip last night and then dabbed some paint on this morning before breakfast.

I got 4 colours on before realising that, no, I couldn't paint them.  They are too small, too fiddly and I am not enjoying the process.  I am never going to paint 100s of these without it becoming a chore and I paint for relaxation.

So, back to the 28mm experiment!


  1. Having painted up several battalions of napoleonics and some ACW, I would note that these figures carry a lot of detail and they can take a while to paint.

    I would like to develop a more impressionistic style for the 3’ rule, but even though I have tried, I find myself drawn back to the detail.

    Some gamers have taken the decision to game in raw plastic since each side come in their own colour, others are doing amazing paint jobs, I would like to be somewhere in the middle.

    I feel that due to the size of the task, there has to be an element of enjoying the painting Vs the result. Ranked up, my napoleonic battalions do look nice, though at 3 foot away, much of that painted detail is lost.

    I note the wargames Illustrated has not hit the high street yet, I have a copy reserved, so today I picked up the two Osprey Elite books for the ECW …… for a project that at some point in the future will happen :-)

  2. I seem to have lost my ability to paint anything smaller than 20mm after spending several years painting 54mm toy soldiers for customers when I was running Imperial Miniatures.

    I have developed a style of painting that is either purely block painting with some minor shading via a black wash or using ink washes which works on larger figures but I don't think works that well on 15mm or strips of figures.

    I suspected that 15mm would be a pain to paint so I am not surprised - I greatly admire the painting you achieve with 15mm but I don't think I have the enthusiasm to persevere and get through the pain and annoyance threshold to achieve the same ends.

    Which is fine, Epic was a diversion caused by receiving a free sprue, so I can stick with the original plan.

    I have done quite well clearing things out, following your example, and am sticking to one scale for any one project. I have sold over 70 items on ebay so far and a load of books and other figures through facebook and lead adventure.
