Monday, December 19, 2022

Change of Tack

 I started this blog full of intentions of writing more about wargaming and documenting every game I played.

But I came to realise after the first few posts that I was turning my hobby back into work (again) and wasn't really what I wanted to do with my time (and gaming).

It is a year since I stopped running Imperial Miniatures and have dropped down to just a small business selling Coat D'arms paints.  I have a lot more time as I am effectively semi-retired now.

So, I have been writing Science Fiction and Fantasy again (I have sold a dozen short stories over the years but haven't written much in recent years).  I want to get back to working on novels and exploring other things.

Hence the 3 month break away from "social media" and relentlessly blogging about what I have been playing.  I have managed quite a few games including an all day game of War Room -  a WW2 game based on a 3' across world map!

I am back to painting again as well, after a lapse of a few months and a loss of enthusiasm.  I have just completed some 3d printed Star Trek figures.

The first picture are the two quickly painted samples and the  bottom one the rest of the Away Team who were completed this evening.

I am intending building forces for Xenos Rampant.

This blog will probably be more of a method of keeping track of my painting, projects and some games that I get around to photographing.


  1. Much better to control the blog than the other way around :-)

  2. I second Norm's comment! Post when you feel like posting - we'll be here to read it whenever that is.

  3. Thanks Norm and John. I am still going through a rationalisation of what I want from the hobby and the collections I have (and might want) and I think the change of my view on the blog is part of it.
