Saturday, January 11, 2025

Travel Battle try out

 Second outing for the 54mm Napoleonics in a week!

This time using the Travel Battle rules from the Perries playing against Anthony.

I set up an approximation of the Travel Battle boards using a 4" gridded mat which gave us 12 squares by 18.  The travel battle board is 20 x 10, so we ignored the back square on each side.

As you can have 2 infantry units in a square in the open, I settled on using a single base fo the infantry (though, in the game, neither of us doubled up any units) - I think I had forgotten this rule by the time it might have been useful.

The rules are simple but do present you with the type of decisions you would face in a Napoleonic battle - cavalry get an advantage against Infantry in the open, Infantry in Square or built up areas get an advantage, etc.

The game was frustrating initially as I rolled a series on 1s and lost a number of units.  But eventually the tide turned.  I wiped out the British Cavalry Brigade and then my decision to include both my Guard units in the same brigade (whereas Anthony had split his between brigades) paid off with a frontal attack on the British in a built up area and I finally destroyed a second British brigade for victory.

It is a fun game and I'd certainly play them again, perhaps in a scenario rather than pick up game.


  1. Lovely to see the conversion to the 54mm and a bigger gaming space,

  2. Thanks - I really like the idea of Travel Battle and would buy a set if I could think of what else to paint the figures as - I already have Napoleonics.

    I did think of buying just the boards and using Heroics and Ros for 6mm French Revolutionary Italy period but doubt I'll get round to it...

  3. Looks like fierce and intense battle!
    Great report! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. thanks - it was a fun game. I think the rules would well for bigger games as they are quick to play.
