Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dendermonde Citadel


 Spent some time today design the citadel for Dendermonde - or at least the small part of it that appears on the table.  This is the edge of the citadel and one of its bastions.  There will also be the corner of the main tower at the back of this piece.

Just playing with the first version of the outer walls and then need to design and cut the inner walls.

There will be a flooded ditch around the edge of the citadel with a small bank marking one side.

I have also managed some painting over the weekend and finished off another British Marlburian unit.

They need the bayonets straightening when I base them...

I am currently painting some French Grenadiers and doing some repainting of the large number of Marlburian French I bought to make the first couple of units using those figures.


  1. Looks like an interesting setup for a wargame.

    1. When finished the siege will probably take a few months to play through.

  2. I seem to have missed several episodes of this project so have been catching up. A really interesting read and already a very impressive construction. I must dig out my copies of Battle!
