Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Bastion for Dendermonde


Back to working on the Dendermonde project. 

Finally had time to return to the Bastion model and refine it and test cut some pieces - took a couple of iterations of one of the pieces to get it right, but the basic pieces are cut and fit together.

The next picture shows how it fits together with the city wall.

Finally, with wall and a ravelin guarding it.

The figures are 25mm Minifigs French exploring their new structure.

Next steps are to cut the interior supports and the back walls out of 3mm MDF then to cut the sloping wall parts from 2mm MDF.


  1. Most interesting to see the underlying structure for building your bastion. The completed one in the last photo looks very nice.

    1. Thanks - it is a similar design to the Ravelin shown in front of the Bastion, on a much larger scale though so I had to cut it in two halves (each is a mirror of the other).

  2. Looks wonderful it will certainly be an outstanding piece on the tabletop. Well done!

    1. Thanks. And there will be 3 of them in the finished city fortifivcation!
