A Wargamer's Ramblings about Toy soldiers and playing games with everything from 15mm to 54mm
Friday, February 14, 2025
Glacis build finished
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Dendermonde - starting the Glacis
Spent some time yesterday working out the Glacis and how it would fit around the ravelins and across the ditch.
Cut most of it, but have run out of 4mm MDF (more on order) to cut the side pieces and one more top.
Next will be the back wall and walkway above the covered way.
Then cutting lots of 2mm slopes as triangles and trying to make them fit!
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Demi-Lunes for Dendermonde
The next stage is to cut the polystyrene to form the ditch properly and paint it. I then need to make some ramps for the various bastions, ravelins, etc.
After that I hope to work out the Glacis and at least get the base cut this month and then work out how I am going to make the (rather large) grass slopes.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
WSS French unit repaint
Finished repainting the first French Unit that I bought on Facebook - also added 4 grenadiers to bring it up to 24 figures.
Repainted coats, facings and faces to match the style of my other figures...
I very carefully sorted out some grenadier and officers to expand the units with and put them to one side but still
can't find the bag! I
did find 8 grenadiers, so I have 4 more painted for the next regiment.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Playing with Polystyrene
I have bought a box of 600 x 400 x 25mm polystyrene packing sheets to use as the base of the table and give me a sunked ditch.
some time today playing with how it might look. I need to work out the
Glacis before I have an exact idea of the siege lines side of the
ditch. But I think it looks deep enough. The Ravelins, etc will also
be raised out of the ditch as well...
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Dendermonde Citadel
Spent some time today design the citadel for Dendermonde - or at
least the small part of it that appears on the table. This is the edge
of the citadel and one of its bastions. There will also be the corner
of the main tower at the back of this piece.
There will be a flooded ditch around the edge of the citadel with a small bank marking one side.
I have also managed some painting over the weekend and finished off another British Marlburian unit.
They need the bayonets straightening when I base them...
I am currently painting some French Grenadiers and doing some repainting of the large number of Marlburian French I bought to make the first couple of units using those figures.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Box Labels
I was at a loose end early evening so decided to try and learn how to make some labels in Publisher - its something I have been meaning to do to tart up the labels on my boxes of painted figures.
An hour or so later and I have some done...
The designs are inspired by Mark at ScaleCreep Miniatures in the USA who has done a similar thing with his storage boxes.
Makes it easier to spot the correct box and groups the collections together by colour...