A group of us from the Little Wars Revisited 54mm Wargames Forum met up in Woking for the second LWR Forum Games Day on Saturday March 16th.
The idea of the day is to bring a group of people interested in 54mm wargaming together, put on some different games so that people can see what others have been working on and chat to some fellow enthusiasts. We managed slightly more people this year with the furthest traveller coming down from Fife.
We have 5 games this year:
Anthony Morton put on a Zulu Wars games using the Portable Wargames Rules and using Little Legion figures
Eric Kemp and his son Jonny put on a Schleiswig-Holstein skirmish game using figures converted from ACW ones and using their own rules.
Tim Rose put on a VBCW game using various figures and his own rules
Brian Carrick ran and Battle Cry ACW game using Britain's detail figures
and I ran a 19th Century game using my own Little Wars Revisited Figures and the "A Gentleman's War Rules"
People arrived at 9am and after introductions, coffee and some chat, we started playing the first games around 10am. There was a break for lunch in the church cafe and then we swapped around to play another game in the afternoon.
After packing up, 5 of us went for a meal in a local Turkish restaurant and then onto the pub for a drink and more chat about toy soldiers.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the day.
There are many more photos and reports on the day on the Little Wars Revisited Forum here: