Slightly blurry view of the garrison awaiting their relief column.
Anthony and Alistair looking confident - this didn't last too long...
We set up with the Afghans using hidden movement and with a rule that they would be placed on the table if they fired, moved in the open or the British came within 12 inches of their concealment.
The game at the start without an Afghan in sight!
The British advanced cautiously onto the table. In fact, very cautiously as for the first few turns the Halt card came up in the movement phase and Alistair hardly moved his troops at all. The Afghans skulked from cover to cover waiting to see what the British planned and happy to leave the British Garrison to their own devices.
The first troops to engage were the horse on both sides but neither proved conclusive with the Afghan horse refusing to close.
Eventually, a Pathan sword unit charged the British flank and killed the majority of the unit sending the rest running to the rear.
On the their flank, Andrew's Pathans finally closed and repeated their success by polishing on another British unit.
At this point the British decided that discretion was the better part of valour and withdrew.
To be fair, the British fire power was poor and then Alistair threw 6 1's out of 9 throws in melee which really didn't help!
It was a fun game and everyone seemed to enjoy it.