The game was played on a 6 foot by 7 foot table with us playing down the length. There were two main farm buildings as objectives and a couple of woods and an outlying farm building. The farm was a 28mm EM4 Miniatures Farm which comes painted already. Being on the large side it worked well on a tabletop with 54mm figures.
This is Army Red set up on their baseline.
The following is Army Khaki:
The opening moves saw both forces approach the closest objectives with Army Khaki's cavalry on the left flank facing off Army Red's lancers.
Army Khaki started the game with both of their guns unlimbered on the baseline while Army Red pushed forward the light gun in support of the cavalry leaving the medium gun for use in counter-battery fire. After some ranging shots, the Army Khaki Medium gun was eliminated.
The Army Red Cavalry pushed forward.
And the two cavalry forces met by the farm.
Before the cavalry melee could start, Army Red's sniper eliminated two of the opposing cavalrymen which swung the resultant melee in Army Red's favour.
Both sides continued a cautious advance.
The Army Red Rifles unit eventually occupied the second farm building.
After a fierce firefight between the rifles and two enemy units, the rifles were forced out of the farm and the Indian infantry were able to occupy the farm building.
On the same turn the second Army Khki gun was eliminated.
The game was declared at that point as a narrow draw.